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Human Trafficking Policy
Human Trafficking Policy
Updated over a week ago

This metric is intended to capture if the organization had a policy in place that included processes and measures to prevent human trafficking as of the end of the reporting period.

Human trafficking is defined as the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt of people through force, fraud or deception, with the aim of exploiting them for profit. Source:

Human trafficking can take many forms and it can happen in any country and any community. It can affect men, women, and children, and can include sexual exploitation, forced labor, domestic servitude, and forced criminal activity.

Human trafficking is different from human smuggling, which is the illegal and secret entry of a person into a country. In human smuggling, the person who is smuggled voluntarily requests the service and willingly pays the smuggler. In human trafficking, the person is recruited, transported, and exploited against their will.

Processes and measures to prevent human trafficking in an organization's human trafficking policy may include:

  1. Implementing a strong corporate policy against human trafficking and regularly training employees on the issue.

  2. Conducting thorough background checks on all employees, contractors, and suppliers, to ensure that they are not involved in human trafficking.

  3. Monitoring supply chains and ensuring that products and materials are not sourced from companies or individuals known to be involved in human trafficking.

  4. Partnering with organizations that are working to combat human trafficking and support victims.

  5. Educating customers and the general public about human trafficking and encouraging them to report any suspicious activity.

  6. Being vigilant for signs of human trafficking in the workplace, such as employees who seem to be controlled by a third party, or who appear to be living in poor or overcrowded conditions.

  7. Collaborating with other businesses and industry groups to share information and best practices for preventing human trafficking.

  8. Supporting legislative and policy efforts to combat human trafficking at the local, national, and international levels.

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