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All CollectionsMetric Guidance
High Water Stress Exposure
High Water Stress Exposure
Updated over a week ago

This metric is intended to capture whether the organization had any sites under direct or indirect control located in areas of high water stress, that were not covered by a water management policy, during the reporting period.

Areas of high water stress are defined as regions where the percentage of total water withdrawn is high (40-80%) or extremely high (greater than 80%) in the World Resources Institute’s (WRI) Water Risk Atlas tool Aqueduct. To determine if the organization's sites are in an area of high water risk, organizations may use the WRI Aqueduct Risk Atlas Tool:

The scope of this metric includes land directly controlled by the organization (i.e., land for which the organization controls land use through direct operation or management, including situations in which the organization's employees cultivate the land directly) and land indirectly controlled by the organization (i.e., land that the organization supports or influences but does not directly cultivate or manage). Examples in which an organization indirectly controls land may include purchase contracts, sourcing from farmer cooperatives, and providing products and services to farmers and other organizations that cultivate and manage land.

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